Bulk approve, publish, unpublish and delete vendor products
This article describes how you can approve, publish, unpublish, and delete products created by your vendor.
Note: If a merchant has the product approvals set to required, then products are always published to Shopify in Draft Mode. Refer to Image 1.

If product vendor approval permission is required, there are five possible potential values.

Note: If a merchant has the product approvals set to required, then products are always published to Shopify in Draft Mode. Refer to Image 1.

If product vendor approval permission is required, there are five possible potential values.
Value | Definition |
Create | This product is a new item to be uploaded and your vendor is requesting a review. |
Update | This product is an existing item with changes (inventory, title, images, etc.) that require your review. |
Delete | This product is an existing item and your vendor is requesting for it to be deleted. |
StatusLive | This product is an existing or new item and your vendor is requesting for it to be published live. |
StatusDraft | This product is an existing or new item and your vendor is requesting for it to be set to draft if already published live. |
How to view product changes made by your vendor?

Updated on: 14/12/2024
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