Articles on: Integrations

Webhooks Integration

This article guides you on how to activate and send real-time updates to any system when an action happens on PuppetVendors.

This feature is only available to customers on the Enterprise plan.

Activating Webhooks

Our new webhook feature lets you automatically send real-time updates to any external system when specific actions happen in your app.

Navigate to Settings -> Enterprise -> Webhooks

In the Webhook URL field, enter an external URL to which you would like Puppet Vendor to send events. We recommend sending it to a secure URL with the https prefix.


The URL must be able to receive a payload message for each of the selected event types below.

Select the event types you would like to receive. Available options are:






For each selected event type, create, update, and delete events will be triggered, and the resource object will be sent as a payload to your defined webhook URL.

Click on the Activate button.

Sample Data Payloads

  "event": "vendor.updated",  
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Updated on: 09/12/2024

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