What is the Products add-on?
The article gives you useful information of the product uploads feature.Some readersTroubleshooting Products not showing on Shopify
If the delete or update option is not functioning on the vendor portal for your vendors, it is advisable to verify the Product Settings in the Merchant Portal. The Product approval feature is likely disabled. Product Approval Settings If these settings are activated, any modifications made in the vendor portal will require approval from the Merchant. Conversely, if these settings are deactivated, all changeFew readersHow to Create Product Templates
Product templates can be a great way to help your vendors create product entries by following a certain set of preferences you set out for them. The templates can include all product fields from title to images as well as any other product details. Below is a video guide on how to create product templates for your vendors. Video Guide - How to Create Product Templates frame How to CrFew readersSetting Product Form Fields
We have rolled out a new feature to help merchants customize the Product Fields for the products uploaded by their vendors. Merchants can now set the following fields to be visible, editable and by default for their vendors. Product Form Fields Enable Product Creation and Updates (https://storage.crisp.chFew readersHow to re-assign product vendors (Merchant portal)
This guide demonstrate how you may move your products from one vendor to another within Puppet Vendors.Few readersHow to add Product Metafields in Shopify Admin
Below are the instructions on how you can add your Product Metafield to be added on as a selection under the settings in the merchant portal. In your Shopify admin, please go to Settings Custom Data Products. Where to add Product Metafields Click the 'Add Definition' button. Add Definition Fill outFew readersDemo - Products upload
This article describes how you can allow vendors to upload products directly onto your website via the appSome readersImport existing products (from your Shopify store)
There are instances where you have existing vendor products on your Shopify store and you would like to import them into PuppetVendors so you can update them. You can do so by following the steps listed below. Make sure the product vendor names are set as you expect them to be listed in the app. Figure 1: Vendor Field In The Shopify Admin Once the vendor names are added, go to PuppetVendors and go toFew readersProduct Upload Settings
This article describes the different product upload settings that are available. How to create new variant options for a product?Few readersProduct Metafields
This article demonstrates how you can activate Metafields so your vendors can add additional product information that your store might require at a product level. How to activate or create your first metafield/s Go to Settings Then Products Click Metafields Tick on the box to Enable Product Metafields Select metafields that you would like your vendors to be able to update within PuppetVendors. These fields are what you have set up on Shopify and are imported autoFew readersUploading a product - Vendor portal
This article describes how a vendor is able to upload a product onto a merchant's Shopify store.Some readersCreating a collection by vendor
This article describes how you can create a vendor collection so product uploaded by vendors will show in the right collectionFew readersBulk approve, publish, unpublish and delete vendor products
This article describes how you can approve, publish, unpublish, and delete products created by your vendor. Note: If a merchant has the product approvals set to required, then products are always published to Shopify in Draft Mode. Refer to Image 1. Image 1: Product Approvals Required If product vendor approval permission is required, there are five possible potential values. |Some readersHow to bulk create or update vendor products via CSV file?
This guide shows how to create new or update existing products including inventory via CSV in bulk. Please take note of following before uploading: Column id is a unique identifier for each product. Please do not delete the column. No changes to Column 1 (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/cf9b185a0b087000/cbv2fczr4Few readersDemo - Digital Products
This article describes how you can allow your vendors to sell digital products on your store.Few readersHow to delete products from PuppetVendors
Few readersDigital products - How to add a Download Link on the Order Status Page
This article shows how you can add and display a Download link on the order status page for digital goods once sold on your Shopify store. A sample of which is shown below. Digital download sample link Steps Go to Settings followed by CheckFew readersDigital Products - How to Assign Variant-specific Media Files
This article describes how you are able to assign media files to a specific product variant. The idea is you need to rename each of the media files to match that of your variant titles. Examples: Please refer to the recording below.Few readers