Payout Creation and Update
This article describes how you can mark one or more items as Paid in the merchant portal. This is also reflected in the vendor portal. HOW TO DELETE A PAYOUT There might be instances where you need to delete a payout, this video guide shows you how. HOW TO EXPORT PAYOUTS This article shows how you can custoSome readersHow does PayPal or Stripe Payouts work in PuppetVendors?
This article explains how payouts in general work in PuppetVendors and only apply for 3rd payout services like PayPal and Stripe at this time. Overview PuppetVendors Payouts Flow Useful resources and links PayPal How to connect your PayPal account with PuppetVendors to make payouts How to adFew readersPayout details request for vendors
This article shows how you may set up PuppetVendors so that your vendors can add their payout information in the vendor portal Important Note: PuppetVendors does not store any of your banking or card information. All sensitive information is stored with Stripe.Some readersHow to delete a payout
There might be instances where you may need to delete a payout, this video guide helps you delete a wrong entry.Few readersTotal payouts to a vendor
This articles describes how you are able to find the total payouts amount to be paid to any particular vendorFew readersExport payouts
This article shows how you can customise the field in the csv export fileFew readersHow to mark items as Complete
This article shows how you can mark items as Complete so future commissions or deduction changes for any vendor do not change historical payouts.Few readers
[Video] Pay your vendor via Paypal
This article shows how you can pay a vendor via paypal directly from within PuppetVendors.Few readers[Video] Paypal - Setup to first payment
This article shows you have to set up a client id and secret key for both your test/sandbox and live environment and show you how you can make a payment to your vendor's PayPal account. To get PayPal to programmatically link to PuppetVendors, you will need a set of keys referred to as the Client Id and Secret Key. To get the keys, you will have to generate them in the PayPal developer account portal. A PayPal developer accountFew readersSet-up Paypal payouts
The article gives you important information on how to get started making payouts to your vendors via Paypal on PuppetVendors. PayPal Requirements To use this feature, you must meet all of Paypal's requirements listed below. Have a PayPal business account. If not, Click here to signup Once your PayPal business account is set-up, make sure that you have confirmed your identity ( to Add Funds to Your PayPal Account for Payouts
This article shows you how you can add funds/top-up your PayPal account. Funds added are used to pay your vendors. Before making payouts to your vendors, you need to ensure your PayPal account is ready to process payments. This guide will walk you through linking a bank account or credit/debit card to your PayPal account. Once linked, PayPal will automatically deduct funds from the connected source when needed. Log into your paypal account. (https://www.paypaFew readersRequesting vendors to provide their paypal email
This article shows you how you can request your vendors for their PayPal accounts so you may pay them directly from within the appFew readers
Stripe fees
This article shows what Stripe charges for using their payouts service. PuppetVendors leverages Stripe Payouts to securely handle customer information and Merchants are responsible for these costs which are payable to Stripe. PuppetVendors uses the Express account type to onboard vendors onto the platform. Visit to learn more. Charges for vendor accountsFew readersConnect PuppetVendors and Stripe payouts - Stripe key
This article shows how you can connect PuppetVendors and Stripe payouts so you are able to make direct ACH payouts from within the app. !Some readersHow to Add Funds to Your Stripe Balance for Payouts
This article shows how you can add funds/top-up your Stripe balance. Requirements All of these requirements must be met to add funds to your Stripe balance: Your platform is in the U.S. and the connected account receiving the funds is either in the U.S. or has a recipient service agreement. Your platform is on a manual payout schedule. Update your payout schedule on this link ( readers
Retry a failed payout
Below are instructions on how you can Retry failed payouts or simply Mark the payout as paid if a different payout method was used. Go to the Payouts tab Filter the results according to Date range Payouts tab Next, go to the Paid tab and filter by status - Failed Filter by Failed statusFew readersSet-up Paypal payouts (Login with PayPal)
The article gives you important information on how to get started making payouts to your vendors via Paypal on PuppetVendors. This is the latest version of the PayPal setup process. Follow this guide if your payouts set-up looks like this. ( =1000x603) PayPal Requirements To use this feature, you must meet all of Paypal's requirements listed below. Have a PayPal businesFew readersSet-up Stripe Payouts
This article provides essential information about the Stripe Payouts feature. Stripe Payouts enables you to send payments to your vendors quickly and securely via either Bank Transfer (ACH) or Card payments. With the Stripe Payout feature, you can easily pay your vendors directly to their bank accounts (ACH transfers) from within the PuppetVendors app.PopularAutomated Payouts - Pay your vendors directly via your PayPal or Stripe account
This article demonstrates how you as a merchant can activate automated payouts for your vendors. You will be able to pay your vendors either to their PayPal email or directly to their bank account. Minimum Requirements PayPal or Stripe payouts must be activated with at least one vendor account linked. Steps to activate automated payouts Visit Settings PayoFew readers